I know that seems like an illogical title. Of course, avoiding bankruptcy is a great idea! However, the time to avoid bankruptcy is before you find yourself struggling with crushing debt. No one wants to file bankruptcy, no one plans to file bankruptcy, and certainly we should do everything in our power to avoid bankruptcy. It seems however, that the only time so much emphasis is placed on avoiding bankruptcy is at a point in time when we have reached a financial crisis.
The fact is that we should live our lives, at least our financial lives, in such a way that we avoid bankruptcy. Simply live within our means, manage our money with maturity, invest wisely, use credit carefully, and learn to save. If you do all those things, you can avoid bankruptcy. That is, or course, unless some unexpected event causes a financial hardship.
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Most of us never think about avoiding bankruptcy. We try our best to live within our means and manage money as best we can. We don't view what we do as "avoiding bankruptcy" as much as simply living responsibly. However, there can be an unfortunate chain of events that causes us to suddenly have more debt then we can handle. How this may occur is not really important. What is important are the lessons learned.
There is an entire segment of the economy that thrives on the insecurity of those in debt. The collection agency is just a small part of it. The other culprits are those companies that pose as debt settlement companies, debt management companies, and credit card counseling companies. They too, are merely collection agencies that lure the debtor to come to them.
They all set themselves up in the debtors eyes to be advisors. The credit counselor perhaps the most insidious simply because of his or her title. They all seem to have simple solutions to your debt. There is always some sort of payment plan they can devise which is far better than bankruptcy. They have no logical reason as to why their plan is better than bankruptcy. They don't need a reason. We have grown up in a world where the word "bankruptcy" has come to be associated with failure. Failure that will mark you and stay on your credit record forever.
But we must understand that they do indeed have a reason to keep us from filing bankuptcy. Their advice to keep us from bankruptcy is completely self-serving. When we file bankruptcy, not only do we not have to repay the unsecured debt that they are trying to collect, by court order the collectors can no longer contact us in any fashion about the debt. As for the debt settlement and debt management folks, they have no reason to try to collect their outrageous fees for their bogus "settlement" or "management" services.
The best an only place to get advice or information about bankruptcy is from a qualified and experienced bankruptcy attorney. Never take advice from those that can profit from your misfortune as a collection agent or debt settlement company can. Bankruptcy may stay on your credit for quite a long time, but so do the dilenquency payments that will continue if you don't take advantage of the fresh start that bankruptcy offers.
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